Smart Help Desk supporto alla postazione in Ticino
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Smart help desk: an essential service for your business 

What the smart help desk is for? 

Smart help desk is a support service at the workstation, a tailor-made embroidered direct communication line between your employees and a professional IT support that deals with any type of technical problem, both hardware and software.

The IT team, in addition to taking charge of the resolution of any unforeseen, has the task of keeping systems and devices running, so as to allow employees to always be productive.

This technical support allows companies to work inpeace through a dedicated number to which they can address for any need, a dedicated team that knows the workstation and is qualified to resolve promptly and in the most effective way any problem, all during a personalized time slot that matches with the preferences of the company, that way it will be suited for the business needs.

Finally, it is important to emphasise the choice to rely on external IT assistance despite having an internal IT department. By doing so your department will be able to focus all its efforts and turn its energies towards the company’s core business, avoiding that they lose time in tasks or problems that would undermine the business workflow.

The 4 features that distinguish and make “Smart” the help desk of DOS Group 

      We plan the process together, focusing on your needs and creating an ad hoc service, from installation to possible replacements, all in a transparent and thoughtful manner.
      We manage the monitoring through a specific and state-of-the-art software that allows us to control with ease, even remotely, the proper functioning of your workstations, ensuring uptime
      By offering you the opportunity to choose between different SLAs, we are able to offer you a tailore made support that is comfortable and practical to your business, going to match your company’s needs.
      We guarantee a full remote initial assistance that will allow us to evaluate together what is the most effective approach for your business and how to quickly solve the problems that will arise, both remotely and on-site, wherever there is a need.

Looking for a full service? 

DOS Group, as usual has the care to accompany the customer making sure that it can have a well structured and functional service. For this reason we offer the possibility to provide a complete service that includes, in addition to the smart help desk, the provision of the device and its initial installation.   


Our values are our strength

Our company is based on everyday life, which is characterized by the practical realization of our guiding values. These include respect, trust, innovation, and quality.

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