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Everything you need to know about the Sophos XGS Series

Firewalls with unmatched performance and advanced protection against cyber attacks

The steady increase in remote working has inevitably generated new risk areas and exposed companies to cyber attacks, which mainly exploit TLS (Transport Layer Security) protocols. This vulnerability therefore requires an immediate defense that can provide day-to-day protection from threats, such as ransomware and malware.

The new series of Sophos XGS firewalls, despite the similarity in appearance to previous versions, comes with a totally renewed architecture with the main purpose of defending companies from cyber attacks thanks to the TLS inspection of the new models, which is up to 5 times faster than competitors.

All this is made possible by the Xstream architecture, which offers better protection against zero-day threats, identifying and blocking even the most complex attacks, such as ransomware. With an intuitive and easy-to-use dashboard, security administrators can identify the entire TLS traffic and immediately isolate risks by taking action on problematic flows, and they can take advantage of an extensive set of rules to exclude secure traffic from inspection.

The TLS protocol has undoubtedly improved the privacy of Internet communications, but although it has provided benefits, it has also made it much easier for attackers to download and install malicious modules and exfiltrate stolen data, right before the eyes of IT security teams and circumventing most security technologies.

Cybercriminals are taking advantage of TLS-protected web and cloud services to spread malware and for attack management and control. Their initial malware is only the first stage in creating a more complex attack, as they are preparing to carry out the actual attack, which includes ransomware.

Dan Schiappa

Chief Product Officer, Sophos

This prompted Sophos to design a line of firewalls whose appliances contain a significant upgrade and represent an outstanding defense against attacks.


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