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Why Invest in Information Security

Digitization provides us with endless opportunities, but at the same time it makes us more vulnerable. For this reason, it’s important to invest in cybersecurity.

The risks of digitization

New technologies are increasingly part of our daily lives. In the business environment, digitization is essential to be competitive in the market. However, let’s not forget technology for private use, which makes our lives easier and provides us with numerous conveniences (think of banking transactions or communication). In short, each of us could not give up our technological device even for one day. All this, however, translates into greater risks that can prove very costly. Being digital means exposing yourself to external attacks that are often organized by real hacking companies. It is precisely for this reason that every company (but also private individuals) must equip themselves with a computer security system that can allow them to operate online in total safety.


Covid-19 and mobility

Not only new technology, but also new working methodology. Especially after the emergency linked to the recent pandemic, teleworking was immediately introduced. The latter has allowed companies to maintain their business continuity. This extreme mobility, however, makes companies even more vulnerable: fewer physical and virtual barriers make it easier for criminal organizations to work. The biggest risk? We’re talking exorbitant costs. To make your point, try to think about how much you’d be willing to pay to save your corporate data from the claws of your hackers. That’s why it’s crucial to prevent by fortifying your IT security system and protect yourself from a possible data breach.

According to an IBM study, every year, companies worldwide lose an average of 25,000 business documents, at an average cost of CHF 140 per document. Most companies take an average of 279 days to identify these losses; other companies, however, take nearly two years to identify and resolve the problem.
The loss of these documents also leads to the loss of customers, as they lose trust in your company.


How to Protect Yourself

To limit your chances of being a victim of cyber attacks there are certainly some basic rules to follow:

  • Use systems to encrypt hard drives and important files
  • Install security suites and antivirus software
  • Keep your operating system and installed software updated
  • Use two-factor authentication
  • Keep your passwords safe and do not give them to colleagues or friends
  • Do not use pirated software
  • Always back up your data and keep it updated

For those who do not have time and resources to devote to these activities, DOS Group offers a wide range of services and levels of security management.


DOS Group is your partner for IT security

DOS Group has always supported customers by prioritizing data preservation and integrity as well as infrastructure security. That’s why we rely on the most reliable partners on the market. One of them is Sophos, one of the best security systems that guarantees protection of cloud infrastructure, cloud access and configurations.
Sophos gold partner

That’s why since July 2020, DOS Group has strengthened the partnership and is now a Sophos Gold Partner. The achievement of this important milestone is due to the continuous commitment to offer customers the best cybersecurity system in the world, regardless of the solutions implemented: On-Premise, in Cloud or through managed services.

Want to improve your cybersecurity system? Rely on our experts. Contact us now for a free consultation.



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