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DOS Group’s tech lab in partnership with HP

DOS Group’s tech lab in partnership with HP offers a state-of-the-art service for those who are interested in having the quality of professional instrumentation at affordable prices, having personal computers with very high performance that cannot be found in ordinary retail stores. The advantages of choosing tech lab are many:

-a specific attention to the customer’s needs, making it possible to offer customized solutions that meet a wide range of requirements, from business to home use

– the ability to perform software and hardware component refurbishments either on-site or at home, as needed, considerably extending their life cycle.

-after-sales consultations with a dedicated number

-a certified professional technical support with quality and efficiency support, with specific authorization from the HP brand for repairs with spare parts coming directly from the parent company, thus ensuring a high level of reliability

– extension of the native warranty for an additional level of protection, with additional protections for damage and loss thanks to care pack travel and antidamage

-maximum confidentiality and protection of user data through defective media retention, which allows the holder of sensitive data to withhold information to protect privacy.


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The advantages of an external monitor are many: a more comfortable workstation, the ability to perform multitasking operations and greater attention to the health and well-being of the user.

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Our company is based on everyday life, which is characterized by the practical realization of our guiding values. These include respect, trust, innovation, and quality.

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